Our Speakers :
1. Peter Olinga
(Professor of Translational Biopharmaceutics, University of Groningen)
Topic: The Pharmacy Curriculum and Pharmaceutical Research at the University of Groningen
2. Matthew Groves
(Professor of Structural, Biochemical and Molecular Biology, University of Groningen)
Topic: Research Atmosphere in University of Groningen
3. Dr. Suh Chang Woo
(Director of PT. Dae Woong, South Korea)
Topic: Bridging The Gap between University Curriculum and Industrial Needs
Moderator :
Prof. Dr. Arry Yanuar, M.Si., Apt.
(Professor of Faculty of Pharmacy UI)
Date : Wednesday, April 28th 2021
Time : 13.00 WIB (15.00 Seoul Time & 08.00 Amsterdam Time)
*For Pharmacy Academics only