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Publikasi Internasional Staf Pengajar Fakultas Farmasi UI 2003-2010:

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1 Aktivitas Antioksidan dan Penghambat Xantin Oksidase dari Ekstrak Buah Andaliman (Zanthoxylum acanthopodium DC A. Mun�im, Katrin Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia, Vol : 6, No : 3, Hal : 122-132 (Januari 2013) 2013
2 Screening of ?-Glucosidase inhibitory activity of some Indonesian medicinal plants A. Mun�im, Katrin, Azizahwati International Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, ISSN : 2249 � 4340, Vol : 3, No : 2, Hal : 144-150, (June 2013) 2013
3 Screening of endophytic fungi from Cassia siamea Lamk leaves as a-glucosidase inhibitor A. Mun�im, M Gama Ramadhian, Atiek Soemiati International Research Journal of Pharmacy, ISSN : 2230-8407, Vol : 4, ISSUE : 5, Hal : 128-131, Published 11/05/2013 2013
4 Effect of combination of extract Centella asiatica L. Leaves and Extract of green coffe (Coffea cenephora robusta P.) beans in a cream preparation for grade 1-3 cellulite and slimming A. Mun�im, Riska Febriadne Primastuti, Wong Lip Wih Makara Journal of Science, ISSN : 1693-6671, Vol : 17, ISSUE : 1, Hal : 1-5, (April 2013) 2013
5 Effectiveness test of fenugreekseeds (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.) extract hair tonic in hair growth activity A. Mun�im, J. Djajadisastra, Wong Hendra Wijawa International Journal of Current Research, ISSN : 0975-833X, Vol : 5, ISSUE : 11, Hal : 3453-3460, (November 2013) 2013 2013
6 Direct Polymerase Chain Reaction: Sebuah Alternatif Metode Diagnostik Difteri Secara Cepat, Mudah dan Hemat A. Malik Sunarno, Aulia Rizki, Kambang Sariadji, Anis Kurniawati, dan Amin Soebandrio Jurnal Makara Seri Kesehatan Vol. 17 no. 2: 88-94, Akreditasi B (Desember 2013) 2013
7 Respon Galur Leuconostoc mesenteroides dan Weisella ystem terhadap pH Kondisi Pertumbuhan Menggunakan Antibiotik sebagai Indikator A. Malik, Dewi Puspita, Rizky Ayu Amalia Jurnal Ilmu Kefarmasian Indonesia, ISSN : 1693-1831, Vol : 11, No : 2, Hal : 127-133. (September 2013) 2013
8 Efficient Expression of Recombinant Soluble Apoptin in Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis A. Malik, Sahlan M Savitri I K, Prasetyo AA, Onuma C, Ishikawa S, Ogasawara N International Journal of Chemical Environmental & Biological Sciences (IJCEBS) Volume 1, Issue 1 (2013) ISSN 2320-4087) 2013
9 Cultivation process optimization of recombinant Bacillus subtillis harbouring Apoptin gene A. Malik, Muhammad Sahlan, Yuki Desiandini, Muhammad Iqbal, Nunuk Widhyastuti, Siswa Setyahadi Microbiology Indonesia Vol 7. No. 4: 152-158, Akreditasi A (November 2013) 2013 2013
10 (2E,5E)-2,5-Bis(4-hydroxy-3-methoxy-benzylidene)cyclopentanone ethanol monosolvate A. Yanuar, Muhammad Dai, Edy Meiyanto, Umar Anggara Jenie, Amir Marhono Supardjan Acta Crystallographica Section E 2013 2013
11 Antioxidant Activity Of Combination of Garcinia Manggostana Pericarp And Hibiscus Sabdariffa Calyxes E. Hanani, B. Elya, B. Katrin International Journal of PharmTech Research, ISSN : 0974-4304, Vol: 5 No: 1, Hal :162-166. (Jan-Mar 2013) 2013 2013
12 Alfa Glucosidase Inhibitory Activity Of Kayu Tuah (antidesma celebicum MIQ) B.Elya, Basah Katrin, Novi Fajar Utami, Marista Gilang Mauldina, Anindita RA International Research Journal Of Pharmacy, ISSN : 2230-8407, Vol: 4 No: 11, Hal 30-32,( 8 November 2013) 2013 2013
13 In Vitro Antioxidant and Cytotoxicity Activity of Extract and Fraction Pyrrosia piloselloides (L) M.G Price B.Elya, Endang Hanani, ET Wulandari, JA Pawitan International Journal of PharmTech Research, ISSN : 0974-4304, Vol : 5 ISSUE : 1, Hal : 119-125, (Jan-Mar 2013) 2013 2013
14 Antioxidant Cream of Solanum lycopersicum L B.Elya, Rosmala Dewi, Muhammad Haqqi Budiman International Journal of PharmTech Research, ISSN : 0974 � 4304, Vol : 5, ISSUE : 1, Hal : 233-238, (Jan-Mar 2013) 2013 2013
15 Antimicrobial activity of Green tea Extract against Isolates of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and multi-drug resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa M. Radji, B.Elya, Rafael Adi Agustama Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine, ISSN : 2221-1691, Vol : 3, ISSUE : 8, Hal : 663-667, (Agustus 2013) 2013 2013
16 Pragelatinized cassava starch phthalate as film-forming excipient for transdermal film of ketoprofen Kurnia Sari Setio Putri, Silvia Surini, E. Anwar Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research Vol 6, Issue 3, 2013, Pages 62-66 (july-september 2013) 2013 2013
17 Soluble Expression Of Recombinant Human Interferon Alpha 2a Fusion Protein In Escherichia Coli Arizah Kusumawati, Adi Santoso, M. Radji International Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Health Care Issue 3, Vol 2 April. 2013: 42-49 2013 2013
18 Screening angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor activity of antihypertensive medicinal plants from Indonesia M. Radji, Aprilita Rinayanti, A. Mun�im, FD Suyatna International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Pr act ices, ISSN : 1986-8111, Vol : 4, ISSUE : 1, Hal : 527-532, (Maret 2013) 2013 2013
19 A Comparative Study Between Prescribed and Over-Thecounter Antibitics Abasaeed, A.E, Abuelkhair, M.A, Andrajati, R, Elnour, A.A Saudi Medical Journal Volume 34, Issue 10, October 2013, Pages 1048-1054 2013 2013
20 Aktivitas Gastroprotektif Kombinasi Ekstrak Kulit Batang Mimba (Azadirachta indica A. Juss) dan Rimpang Kunyit (Curcuma domestica Linn.) pada Tikus Putih yang Diinduksi Asetosal Santi.P.S., A. Mun�im, Dini Kusumanigtyas Jurnal Ilmu Kefarmasian Indonesia, September 2013, hlm. 97-101, ISSN 1693-1831 2013 2013
21 Bioequivalence of trimetazidine modified release tablet formulations assessed in Indonesian subjects Y. Harahap, B. Prasaja, Windy Lusthom, Hardiyanti, Fahmi Azmi, Vita Felicia, Lia Yumi Yusvita Journal of Bioequivalence & Bioavailability, Vol : 5, No : 3, Hal : 117 � 120. 2013 2013
22 (2E,5E)-2,5-Bis(4-hydroxy-3-methoxy-benzylidene)cyclopentanone ethanol monosolvate A. Yanuar Acta Crystallographica Section E 2013 2013
23 Pembuatan sediaan tablet mengapung famotidin menggunakan kompleks polielektrolit kitosan-pektin sebagai bahan matriks Effionora A, Silvia Surini Majalah Ilmu Kefarmasian 2013 ?
Efficient Expression of Recombinant Soluble Apoptin in Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis
25 Cultivation process optimization of recombinant Bacillus subtillis harbouring Apoptin gene A. Malik Microbiology Indonesia Vol 7. No. 4: 152-158, Akreditasi A (November 2013) 2013 2013
26 Soluble Expression of Recombinant Human Interferon Alpha 2a Fusion Protein In Escherichia coli M. Radji International Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Health Care, ISSN : 2249-5738, Vol : 2, ISSUE : 3, Hal : 42-49, (April 2013) 2013 2013
27 Formulasi sediaan granul mukoadhesif kombinasi ekstrak kulit batang mimba (azadirachta indica a. Juss) dan kunyit (curcuma domestica val.) Sutriyo, Khairunnisya, A. Mun�im Majalah Ilmu Kefarmasian, Vol.8, No. 2, Agustus 2013, hal. 57-124 2013 2013
28 Penetapan Kadar Hidrokortison Asetat dalam Sediaan Krim mengandung Pengawet Nipagin secara Spektrofotometri Derivatif orde pertama Hayun, N.D. Leswara, Luthfi Zarkasih Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research Vol 1. No. 2, 2014 2014 ?
29 Pengaruh Natrium Hialuronat terhadap Penetrasi Kofein sebagai Antiselulit Joshita Djajadisastra, Sutriyo Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research 2014 ?
30 Alfa Glucosidase Inhibitory Activity Of Kayu Tuah (antidesma celebicum MIQ) B.Elya, Basah Katrin International Research Journal Of Pharmacy, ISSN : 2230-8407, Vol: 4 No: 11, Hal 30-32,( 8 November 2013) 2013 2013
31 Evaluation of Side Effects Events Peripheral Neuropathy and Lipodystrophy in Patients with HIV/AIDS Who Used Stavudine in Antiretroviral Regimens Nilla, A, Setiawati, H.I, Andrajati, R, Djauzi, S HIV and AIDS Review Volume 12, Issue 1, 2013, Pages 4-8. 2013 2013
32 Influence of Aeration and Metal Ions on Xylose Bioconversion from Water Hyacinth Hydrolysate into Xylitol by Debaryomyces hansenii Marvi Nurjanah, Ulfah Nurhidayah, A. Yanuar, M. Radji, H. Suryadi International Conference on Medicinal Chemistry and Timmerman Award 2013 2013
33 The New Alkaloid from Phoebe Declinata Nees. Roshamur Cahyan F, B.Elya, Hanita Omar, Harmita, Katrin, Rosmalena, Ainul Azizan International Conference of Nutraceutical and Cosmetic Science, Atlet Century Hotel, Jakarta, 23-24 Oktober 2013 2013
34 In Silico Study of Flavonoid Interacting with Dopamine D2 Receptor Indri Indrawan, Nuri Andarwulan, Nancy Dewi Yuliana, A. Yanuar International Conference on Medicinal Chemistry and Timmerman Award 2013 2013
35 Potensi Pemanfaatan Nigella Sativa sebagai Imunomodulator dan Anti Inflamasi M. Radji Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research 2014 ?
36 Optimization Of Acid Hydrolysis Of Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch Using Oxalic Acid For Xylitol Production H. Suryadi , A. Yanuar, Harmita, Putri W. Rachmadani, Rina Mediana International Conference on Medicinal Chemistry and Timmerman Award 2013 2013
37 Optimization of Xylitol Production with Various Substrate Concentration, Aeration, Metanol and Nitrogen Sources Addition Utilizing Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch Hydrolyzates by Debaryomyces hansenii UICC Y-276 Luthfiyyah Mutsnaini, Rina Mediana, H. Suryadi, Harmita, A. Yanuar International Conference on Medicinal Chemistry and Timmerman Award 2013 2013
38 Sonochemical Bromination of 2-Methyl-4(3H)-quinazolinone and 2-Methyl-6-nitro-4(3H)-quinazolinone using p-Toluensulfonic Acid � N-Bromosuccinimide (NBS) Hayun, Arif Arrahman, H. Suryadi, A. Yanuar International Conference on Medicinal Chemistry and Timmerman Award 2013 2013
39 Vina and AutoDock Parameter Optimization for HIV-1 Protease Virtual Screening Validation using Directory of Useful Decoys (DUD) Database A. Yanuar, R.R. Syahdi, Bram Hik Anugraha International Conference on Medicinal Chemistry and Timmerman Award 2013 2013
40 Tablet Effervescent Ekstrak Belimbing Wuluh (Averrhoa bilimbi L.) dengan variasi Kadar Pemanis Aspartam Iskandarsyah, Rosmala Dewi Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research 2014 ?
41 Virtual Screening of Indonesian herbal database as HIV-1 protease inhibitor Dr. A. Yanuar, M.Si Bioinformation, ISSN : 0973-2063, Vol : 10, Hal : 52 2014
42 Analisis Penambatan dan Simulasi Dinamika Molekuler Komplex Siklookgesinenase-2 dengan Beberapa Senyawa Turunan Kuinazolinon Dr. A. Yanuar, M.Si, Dr. Hayun, M.Si Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia ISSN : 1412-1107, Vol : 7, No : 1, Hal : 50-59 2014
43 The Development Of Integrated Computing Platform To Improve User Satisfaction And Cost Efficiency Of In Silico Drug Discovery Activities 1Heru Suhartanto, 2Xue Li, 3Kevin Burrage, 4A. Yanuar, 5A International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology(IJACT),Volume 6, Number 2, March 2014 2014
44 Uji Stabilitas Fisik Formula Krim yang Mengandung Ekstrak Kacang Kedelai (Glycine max) Rosmala Dewi, Effionora A Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research 2014 ?
45 UjiAktivitasAntibakteri 1-[(Kuinazolin-4 on-2-IL) metil] p iridin-1-ium bromidadan 2- Bromo metilkuinazolin-4-on Hayun Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research 2014 ?
46 Characterization of Thermoplasma Species Cultured from Sampling on Tangkuban Perahu, Indonesia A. Malik Microbiology ISSN 1978-3477, eISSN 2087-8587, Vol. 8 No. 1 Maret 2014, Page. 16-23 2014
47 The New Alkaloids from Antidesma cuspidatum M.A B.Elya ACG (Academy of Chemistry of Globe Publications) 2014, 8:4, Hal. 342-347, ISSN1307-6167 2014
48 The New Alkaloid From Phoebe Declinata Nees B.Elya, Katrin B, Harmita. International Research Journal Of Pharmacy, ISSN : 2230-8407, Vol : 5, No. 4, Hal : 271-274 2014
49 Formulation and Evaluation of Gel and Emulgel of Chili Extract (Capsium Frutescens L.) as Tropical Dosage Forms E. Anwar, Harmita International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, ISSN : 0975-1491, Vol : 6 2014
50 Penetapan Kadar Hidrokortison Asetat dalam Sediaan Krim mengandung Pengawet Nipagin secara Spektrofotometri Derivatif orde pertama Hayun, N.D. Leswara, Luthfi Zarkasih Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research Vol 1. No. 2, 2014 2014
51 Uji Aktivitas Antibakteri 1-[(Kuinazolin-4 on-2-IL) metil] p iridin-1-ium ystem dan 2- Bromo metilkuinazolin-4-on Hayun Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research 2014
52 Formulation and Penetration Study of Liposome Gel Xanthone of Extract Mangosteen Pericarp (Garcinia mangostana L.) M. Jufri, B.Elya, Iskandarsyah International Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research, 27(2) July-August 2014, Article No.1, Pages: 1-6, ISSN : 0976-044X 2014
53 Physical Stability and Antibacterial activity of Black Cumin Oil (Nigella sativa L.) Nanoemulsion Gel M. Jufri International Journal of PharmTech Research, ISSN: 0974-4304 Vol. 6, No.4, pp 1162-1169 Aug-Sept 2014 2014
54 Antibiotic theraphy for diabetic foot infections in a tertiary care hospital in Jakarta, Indonesia M. Radji Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Reviews 8 (2014) 221-224 2014
55 Potensi Pemanfaatan Nigella Sativa sebagai Imunomodulator dan Anti Inflamasi M. Radji Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research 2014
56 Effects of the Methanol extracts Phaleria macrocarpa (Scheff) Boerl fruits on Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) activity Aprilita Rina Yanti, M. Radji, A. Mun�im, FD Suyatna International Journal of Advances in Pharmacy, Biology and Chemsitry, Vol. 3(4), oct-Dec 2014, ISSN 2277 � 4688 2014
57 Evaluation of Antibiotic Prophylaxis Administration at The Orthopedic Surgery Clinic Offertiary Hospital in Jakarta, Indonesia M. Radji Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Disease 2014 4(3) 190-193 2014
58 Evaluation of Surgical Antibiotic Prophylaxis in Tertiary Care Hospital In Jakarta Indonesia M. Radji THE EXPERIMENT (INTERNASIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY), ISSN : 2319-2119, Vol : 18, Hal :1292-1296 2014
59 Incidence of Cisplatin-Induced Nephrotoxicity and Associated Factor Among Cancer Patients In Indonesia Prasaja, Y, Sutandyo N, Retnosari A. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, Volume 16, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 1117-1122. 2014
60 Preparation and Characterization of Pragelatinized Cassava Starch Phithalate As A PH-Sensitive Polymer For Enteric Coated Tablet Formulation Silvia Surini, Kurnia SS, E. Anwar International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, ISSN : 0975-1491, Vol : 6, Hal : 17-23 2014
61 Cross Sectional Study on Antibiotic Prescription for Acute Respiratory tract Infetion of Children under Age of 5 at Tertiary General Hospital in Jakarta Indonesia M. Radji British Microbiology Research Journal 4(7): 723-729, 2014 2014
62 Antibiotic theraphy for diabetic foot infections in a tertiary care hospital in Jakarta, Indonesia M. Radji Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Reviews 8 (2014) 221-224 2014
63 Preparation and Characterization of Pragelatinized Cassava Starch Phithalate As A PH-Sensitive Polymer For Enteric Coated Tablet Formulation Silvia Surini, Kurnia SS, E. Anwar International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, ISSN : 0975-1491, Vol : 6, Hal : 17-23 2014
64 Physical Stability and Antibacterial activity of Black Cumin Oil (Nigella sativa L.) Nanoemulsion Gel M. Jufri International Journal of PharmTech Research, ISSN: 0974-4304 Vol. 6, No.4, pp 1162-1169 Aug-Sept 2014 2014
65 Formulation and Penetration Study of Liposome Gel Xanthone of Extract Mangosteen Pericarp (Garcinia mangostana L.) M. Jufri, B.Elya, Iskandarsyah International Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research, 27(2) July-August 2014, Article No.1, Pages: 1-6, ISSN : 0976-044X 2014
66 Microwave Assisted Synthesis of Pyridin-1-ium Salt of 6-Nitroquianzolin-4-one and Synthesis of its 6-Amino Analog under Ultrasonic Irradiation Hayun, A. Arrahman, H. Suryadi, A. Yanuar. ASIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY An International Peer Reviewed Research Journal of Chemistry, ISSN : 0970-7077, Vol : 26, NO. 19, Hal : 1-3 2014
67 Analysis of 06-Methylguanine in Cancer Patient Blood during Administration of Cyclophosphamide Using Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry Y. Harahap, Rizka Andalusia, Yesa Crystalia, Shinta Ayu Nurfaradilla and Harmita Journal of Advances in Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences 2(1): 20-28, 2015, Article no. JAMPS. 2015.003, Published 24 Oktober 2014 2014
68 Regional differences in effect of TGF-beta1 and PDGF on the early onset of intestinal fibrosis R. Iswandana 9th Congress of ECCO � the European Crohn�s and Colitis Organisation, Copenhagen (municipality) Denmark 21 Februari 2014 2014
69 Fibrotic Human Precision-Cut Intestinal Slices a New Ex Vivo Model for Established Intestinal Fibrosis R. Iswandana Meeting of the Belgian-Dutch Biopharmaceutical Society 2014, Vlaardingen Netherlands, 1 Januari 2014 2014
70 The Relationship between 8-isoPGF2a, malondialdehida and kidney injury marker molecule-1 (KIM 1) the ratio of urinary albumin to creatinine and glomerular filtration rate in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 R. Sauriasari 10th IDF-WPR Congress 2014 16th AASD Scientific Meeting, Suntec, Singapore, 21- 24 November 2014 2014
71 Marker of Lipid peroxidation related to diabetic nephropathy in Indonesian Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients R. Sauriasari 22nd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Society for Free Radical Research Australasia (SFRRA), Melbourne, Australia, 02- 07 Desember 2014 2014
72 Perspective of Pharmacy Educational Institute on JKN M. Jufri ISPOR, Sanur, Bali Indonesia, 24- 27 Mei 2014 2014
73 Development of Burahol (Stelecocarpus burahol ) fruit Mouthwash and lozenges as mouth bad odor reduction A. Mun�im ICNaCS, Tokyo, Japan, 11- 12 November 2014 2014
74 Molecular Dynamic Analysis of Docking Product of Complex a-Glucosidase with Sulochrin A. Yanuar MICAPS, Medan, Garuda Plaza Hotel Sulawesi Utara Indonesia. 03- 04 November 2014 2014
75 Herbal Formulations in Nano Sized Dosage Form M. Jufri 3rd International Conference On Nutraceutical and Cosmetic Sciences, Keio Plaza Hotel Tokyo Japan, 11- 12 November 2014 2014
76 Effect Of Alpha Amylase On Dissolution Profile Of Sodium Diclofenac Tablet Composed Of Coprocessed Xanthan Gum-Crosslinked Amylose Excipient Silvia Surini 1st International Conference On Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Surabaya Jawa Timur Indonesia, 14- 15 November 2014 2014
77 Virtual screening of Indonesian herbal database (HerbalIDB) to HIV-1 Target Proteins A. Yanuar 3rd ICCST (International on Computation for Science and Technology, Bali, Indonesia, 23- 25 September 2014 2014
78 Antibiotic Prescribing Patterns and Factors Related to the Rational Antibiotic Prescribing at Primary Health care in Depok City, Indonesia R. Andrajati 43rd ESCP Symposium On Clinical Pharmacy, Denmark Copenhagen, (municipality) Denmark, 22- 24 Oktober 2014 2014
79 Inhibition of Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) Activity by Selected Indonesia Medicinal Plants A. Mun�im The 5th International Conference on Natural Products for Health and Beauty, Prince of Songkla University, Phuket Thailand, 06- 08 Mei 2014 2014
80 Penapisan Virtual Berbasis Ligand dan struktur dalam penemuan obat A. Yanuar Faculty of Pharmacy UI, Depok, Jawa Barat Indonesia, 15- 17 September 2014 2014
81 Effects of H (tBut)-L-Ser-Omethyl HCl on Breast Cancer Cells Line and Prostate Cells Line and its Effects on Bone Metastasis of Nude Mice A. Bahtiar International Seminar on Tranlational Research in Cancer Chemoprevention, Indonesia Society for Cancer Chemoprevention, Serpong Tangerang, Jawa Barat 10 Oktobr 2014Indonesia, 2014
82 DNA Adduct as Biomarker in Monitoring the Safety of Chemotherapy Usage in Cancer Patients Y. Harahap Seminar Nasional Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Andalas, Padang, Sumatera Barat Indonesia, 13-14 Juni 2014 2014
83 Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Ondansetron Generics and Brand Names on Breast Cancer Patients with Moderately Emetogenic Chemotherapy in National Cancer Center Dharmais Hospital Year 2012 Santi Purna Sari ISPOR Indonesia Conference 2014, 23-24 Juni 2014 2014
84 Cost Effectiveness Analysis of Me too Albumin Compared with Inovator Albumin Uses in Advanced breast cancer patient in Dharmais Cancer hospital, July 2010-June 2012 R. Andrajati ISPOR Indonesia Conference 2014, Bali Indonesia. 23-24 Juni 2014 2014
85 Determination of O6-Methylguanine and N7-alkylguanine in Cancer Patients� Blood during Administration of Cyclophosphamide by Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry Y. Harahap BIT 3rd Annual Conference and EXPO of AnalytiX-2014, Dalian, Liaoning China, 25-28 April 2014 2014
86 Validated LC-MS/MS method for The Determination O6-Methylguanine in Cancer Patients� Blood During Administration of Cyclophosphamide Y. Harahap 5th FIP Pharmaceutical Sciences World Congress 2014, Melbourne PSWC 2014, Melbourne Australia, 13-16 2014 2014
87 Characterization of Trypsin-Like Protease of Lactobacillus plantarum FNCC 0270 Amarila Malik HAYATI Journal of Biosciences, Vol 21 No 2 p.87-94, 2014 2014
88 Polar Fraction of Punica granatum L.peel extract increased osteoblast number on ovariectomized rat bone Anton Bahtiar International Journal of Herbal Medicine, Vol 2 (1): 65-70 2014
89 Functional Analysis of 70% Ethanolic of Akar Kelembak (Rheum Officinale Baill.) on 3T3 Preadipocyte Cell Lines in Osteogenic Medium Anton Bahtiar International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Vol 6 Issue 7 2014
90 Cloning and Heterologous expression of the ftfCNC-2(1) gene from Weissella MBFC-2(1) as An Extracellular active fructansucrase in Bacillus subtillus A. Malik, Maria Tyas Hapsari, Iwao Ohtsu, Shu Ishikawa, Hiroshi Takagi Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, Vol 119, No. 5, 515-520, 2015 2015
91 Rational Antimicrobial Use in An Intensive Care Unit in Jakarta, Indonesia: A Hospital-Based,Cross-Sectional Study Luciana, Andrajati, R, Rianti A, Khan, A.H Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, Volume 14, Issue 4, 2015, Pages 707-714. 2015
92 Content of Methylated Inositols in Familiar Edible Plants Osamu Negishi, A. Mun�im, and Yukiko Negishi Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, ISSN : 0021-8561, 2015, 63, 2683-2688 Published March 3, 2015 2015
93 Using Dedicated and Non Dedicated HPC Cluster and GPU NVIDIA Tesla C2070 Cloud computing envitonment to simulate Molecular Dynamics of PfENR Enzyme with AMBER Heru Suhartanto, A. Yanuar, Alhadi Bustamam, T. Basaruddin Intenational Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology (IJACT) Volume 7, Number 2, March 2015 2015
94 Sucrase activity and exopolysaccharide partial characterization from three Weissella ystem strains A. Malik, Sheilla Sheilla, Wangi Firdaus, Tri Handayani, Endang Saepudin Hayati Journal of Bioscience-Elsevier, 22(3), hal: 1-6 2015
95 Synthesis and Antibacterial Activity of 6-Amino-2-[I-2-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)ethenyl]-3,4-dihydroquinazolin-4-one and its Intermediate Compounds Arif Arrahman, Hayun and H. Suryadi Asian Journal Of Chemistry, Vol. 28, No. 2(2016), 256-260 2015
96 Potensi Fraksi Etil Asetat Ekstrak Daun Gambir (uncaria gambir Roxb.) sebagai Antihiperlipidemia Nanang Yunarto, B.Elya, Laurentia Konadi Jurnal Kefarmasian Indonesia Vol. 5, No. 1 � Feb, 2015 : 1-10 p-ISSN : 2085 -675X, e-ISSN : 2354-8770. 2015
97 Antioxidative Activity of Xanthone from Garcinia benthami Pierre Leaves Puteri Amelia, B.Elya, Muhammad Hanafi International Journal of PharmTech Research, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp 254-257, ISSN 0974-4304, 2015 2015
98 Testing on the Effectiveness of Anti Acne Gel (Acne vulgaris) Mild and Moderate Degree Acne from Ethanol Extract of Galanga (Kaemferia ystemi L.) in Students at Miftahus Salam Boarding School in Banyumas Yenni Bahar, B.Elya, M. Jufri International Journal Of Pharmaceutical Research, July-Sept 2015, Vol. 7, Issue 3, 2015 2015
99 Lignan Derivatives Potential As Plasmodium Falciparum Lactate Dehydrogenase Inhibitors: Molecular Docking Approach of Antiplasmodial Drug Design Romalena, Vivitri Dewi Prasasty, Muhammad Hanafi, Emil Budianto, B.Elya. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Vol. 7, Issue 10, 2015, ISSN: 0975-1491 2015
100 Antidiabetic Activity and Phytochemical Screening of Extracts from Indonesian Plants by Inhibition of Alpha Amylase, Alpha Glucosidase and Dipeptidyl Peptidase IV B.Elya, Rosita Handayani, R. Sauriasari, Azizahwati, Uqie Shabrina Hasyyati, Idam Titis Permana dan Yunita Indah Permatasari Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 18 (6): 279-284, 2015, ISSN 1028-8880, 2015 2015 ?
101 Formulation of Orodispersible Tablet of Luffa Acutangula (L) Roxb Using Novel Co-Processed Via Spray Dried Excipient Rina Adriany, E. Anwar, R. Andrajati, M. Hanafi International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Vol. 7, Issue 1, 2015, ISSN: 0975-1491 2015
102 Comparative antimycobacterial activity of some Indonesian medicinal plants against multi-drug resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis M. Radji, Marita Kurniati, Ariyani Kiranasari Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Sciences Vol. 5 (01), pp 019 -022 January 2015, ISSN 2231-3354 2015
103 Marker of Lipid Peroxidation Related to Diabetic Nephropathy in Indonesian Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients R. Sauriasari, R. Andrajati, Dharmeizar, Azizahwati, Dewi Alex Saputri, Rindhy Utami Muris, Okta Festi Amanda, Anip Manfaatun, Heri Setiawan, Noriko Sakano, Da-hong Wang, Keiki Ogino Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice (in press) 108 (2015) 193-200, (Impact Factor: 2.536) 2015
104 Pengaruh Konseling dan Leaflet terhadap Efikasi Diri, Kepatuhan Minum Obat, dan Tekanan Darah Pasien Hipertensi di Dua Puskesmas Kota Depok Sri Wahyuni Dewanti, R. Andrajati, Sudibyo Supardi Jurnal Kefarmasian Indonesia Vol. 5, No. 1 � Feb, 2015 : 33-40 p-ISSN : 2085 -675X, e-ISSN : 2354-8770. 2015
105 Effect of Inulin Supplemented UHT Milk Consumption on Faecal Bifidobacterium sp. And Lactobacillus sp. Of Healthy Children in Depok, Indonesia R. Sauriasari, Syafiq A, Fikawati S, Amelia P, Soemijati A, Christy M, Saragih F Malaysian Journal of Nutrition of Nutrition 21 (2): 219-230, 2015 2015
106 Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles with Polyamidoamine (Pamam) Generation 4 Dendrimer as Stabilizing Agent for CT Scan Contrast Agent Sutriyo, A. Mutalib, Ristaniah, E. Anwar, M. Radji, A. Pujiyanto, P. Purnamasari, D. Joshita, H. G. Adang Macromol. Symp. 2015. 353, 96-101 2015
107 Uji Bioekivalensi dari dua Sediaan Sirup Asam Valproat dengan kriteria Penerimaan Dipersempit sebagai Antisipasi Breakthrough Seizures Y. Harahap, B. Prasaja, Windy Lusthom, Theresia Sinandang, Lia Yumi, Lianna Y, Pandjaitan, Desy Puspita Artikel Penelitian, MEDIKA, No. 4 Tahun ke XLI, April 2015 2015
108 Bioequivalence Study of Two Rosuvastatin Tablet Foemulations in Healthy Indonesian Subjects Y.Harahap, B. Prasaja, F. Aziz, W. Lusthom, Th. Sinandang, V. Felicia, L Yumi Yusvita and L. Y. Panjaitan International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 2015
109 Quantification of Levofloxacin In Human Plasma By High Performance Liquid Chromatography and The Impact Of The Anticoagulants Type Y.Harahap, Agus Al Imam Bahaudin, Harmita, dan Santi Purna Sari Journal of International Research in Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 7)(2): 54-62, 2015 Published 11 November 2015 2015
110 Single-Dose Bioequivalence of Cetirizine-Pseudoephedrine Extended Release Tablet Formulations Assessed in Healthy Subjects Y.Harahap, B. Prasaja, Prawitasari Cahyaningsih, Windhy Lusthom, Vita Felicia, Lia Yumi Yusvita and Hardiyanti Journal of International Research in Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 3(1): 1-8, 2015 Published 28th February 2015 2015
111 Inhibition of Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) Activity by Some Indonesia Edible Plants F.Ch. Saputri, A. Mun�im, D. Lukmanto, S.N. Aisyah dan J.S. Rianndy IJPSR (International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, Vol. 6 (3) : 1054-1059, E-ISSN 0975-8232, P ISSN 2320-5148 2015
112 Antioxidant Activity Of Gold Nanoparticles Using Gum Arabic As A Stabilizing Agent J. Djajadisastra, Sutriyo, Pony Purnamasari, Anung Pujiyanto IJPSR (International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, Vol. 6, issue 7 2014
113 Percutane Transport Profile Of Caffeine And Aminophyllin As Anticellulite And The Influences Of Other Substances On In Vitro Penetration J. Djajadisastra, Sutriyo, Hadyanti IJPSR (International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, Vol. 6, issue 5 2014
114 Penggunaan Gum Arab sebagai stabilisator nanopartikel emas untuk diagnosis dan terapi kanker A.Pujiyanto, Mujinah, H. Lubis. A, Mutalib, H. Setiawan, Dede K, P. Purnamasari, Sutriyo Prosiding Seminar Nasional Saians dan Pendidikan Sains 2014
115 Role of Phospholipid Membrane in the Oxidative Reaction of Human B-Defensin-2 (hBD2) Euis Maras Kendari International Conference on Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacy Education 2015
116 Buku Ajar Interaksi Obat Harmita EGC 2013 ?
117 Buku Keamanan Obat Praktis Harmita Alih Bahasa Buku Keamanan Obat Praktis 2013 ?
118 Buku Analisis Fisiko Kimia, Kromatografi Volume. 2 Harmita EGC 2015 ?
119 Buku Analisis Fisiko Kimia, Potensiometri dan Spektroskopi Volume. 1 Harmita EGC 2015 ?
120 Buku Penuntun Praktikum FITOKIMIA Berna Elya Fakultas Farmasi UI 2015 ?