Fakultas Farmasi

2nd International Conference on Nutraceutical and Cosmetic Sciences (ICNaCS)

Due to increasing awareness of the side effects and contraindication of long-term drug consumption, the modern health service has changed their focus on improving healthcare. This focus on prevention approaches rather than curative summarizes the changing attitude and lifestyle choices of consumers. They start to turn into dietary supplements/ nutraceutical to maintain their health and prevent disease. Simultaneously, people’s awareness on physical and beauty care are also increased. Cosmetic industries have well-developed in this century, producing large number and variety of cosmetics to provide consumers demand.

Research on these nutraceutical and cosmetic field are continuously performed by academic researchers and also industrial researcher to support the nutraceutical and cosmetics industries. In order to exchange knowledge and experience among scientists/ researchers who work on nutraceutical and cosmetic, this conference is held.

The chosen theme for this Second International Conference on Nutraceutical and Cosmetic Science is “Empowering Natural Sources for Better Health and Beauty”

It is planned that 300 participants will attend this event, including research students, researchers and industrial practices on nutraceutical and cosmetic science field.

This conference will be held on:
Place : Atlet Century Hotel, Jakarta, Indonesia
Time : Wednesday and Thursday, October 23rd – 24th 2013

10 SKP by Indonesian Pharmacist Association (IAI)

Keynote Speaker
Head of Indonesian NADFC (Regulatory)
Plenary Speaker
1. Prof. Dr. Aishah Adam (Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia)
2. Prof. Dr. Effionora Anwar (Universitas Indonesia)
3. Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Jantan (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia)
4. Prof. Dr. Masahiro Toyota (Osaka Prefecture University, Japan)
5. Prof. Dr. Oliver Kayser (Technische Universitat Dortmund, Germany)
6. Prof. Dr. Paul WS Heng (National University of Singapore)
Invited Speaker
1. Dr. Abdul Munim (Universitas Indonesia)
2. Dr. Joshita Djajadisastra (Universitas Indonesia)
3. Prof. Dr. Kenji Sugibayashi (Josai University)
4. Dr. Muhammad Sahlan (Chemical Engineering, Universitas Indonesia)
5. Dr. Nico Wanandy (University of New South Wales, Australia)
6. Dr. Tommy Julianto (Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia)

More info click: https://icnacs2013.org