Sekretariat Program Studi Profesi Apoteker
Gedung Program Pascasarjana dan Profesi Apoteker,
Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia,
Kampus UI Depok, Jawa Barat 16424 – Indonesia
Contact Us
- +6221-78849001
Teaching Curriculum
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Work Practice
The Pharmacist Professional Education Program is a professional education program that can be undertaken by graduates of the Bachelor of Pharmacy (S1) Program to obtain expertise as a Pharmacist/Pharmacist. Graduate pharmacist students have the opportunity to work in the government and private sectors in a variety of pharmaceutical jobs, including:
Apart from that, there is an expansion of other job opportunities that can be had by graduates of the Pharmacist Professional Study Program, namely in the fields of cosmetics, traditional medicine, or food products. After completing their studies, students of the Pharmacist Professional Study Program will receive an STRA (Pharmacist Registration Certificate), Professional Certificate, and Serkom (Competency Certificate) which are recognized by the Indonesian government to carry out the practice of the pharmacist profession in Indonesia.
Vision of the Pharmacist Professional Study Program
Realizing the UI Pharmacy Faculty Professional Study Program which is superior and capable of solving problems and challenges in the health sector, especially pharmacy, at the national and global level.
Accredited “UNGGUL”
Base on decision LAM-PTKes No. 0196/LAM PTKes/Akr/Pro/X/2020
Gedung Program Pascasarjana dan Profesi Apoteker,
Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia,
Kampus UI Depok, Jawa Barat 16424 – Indonesia