Fakultas Farmasi

Study Program

Bachelor of Pharmacy Study Program


Graduate Competencies


Education Curriculum


Admission of New Students


Education Guidelines

The Bachelor of Pharmacy education program is an academic level of Bachelor of Science (S1) which is primarily aimed at providing a scientific foundation, the formation of attitudes and values, general skills and special skills of pharmacy graduates with the basics of pharmaceutical science and technology, which will then be developed in professional education programs or higher levels.

Visi Program Studi Sarjana

To become a superior and globally competitive Undergraduate Pharmacy Study Program, through efforts to educate the nation's life to improve the welfare of Indonesian and world society by 2026.

Mission of the Undergraduate Pharmacy Study Program

  1. Organizing quality research-based education and teaching in the field of pharmacy,
  2. Organizing community service activities that are relevant to the pharmaceutical field to meet community needs,
  3. To produce graduates in the field of pharmacy who are able to design pharmaceutical preparations according to quality standards and provide pharmaceutical services under supervision based on mastery of scientific knowledge, management skills and information technology;
  4. Creating an academic climate that is able to support the realization of the vision of the UI Undergraduate Pharmacy Study Program.

Objectives of the Undergraduate Pharmacy Study Program

  1. Producing graduates who can apply, develop, enrich, and advance science and technology in the field of pharmacy.
  2. Encourage and support the active participation of the academic community of the Undergraduate Pharmacy Study Program in community service.
  3. Developing science and technology in the field of pharmacy, and seeking its application to improve the quality of people's lives.

Registration of Prospective New Students

Prospective students can register via the SIMAK UI Admissions site


Undergraduate Study Program

Accredited “UNGGUL” 

Based on LAM-PTKes Decree No. 0195/LAM PTKes/Akr/Sar/X/2020