Fakultas Farmasi

Expert Lecture & Intensive Scientific Writing Coaching Clinic

Expert Lecture & Intensive Scientific Writing Coaching Clinic

Prof. Dato’ Dr. Ibrahim Jantan
Professor of Medicinal and Natural Products Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Malaysia

Prof. Dr. Rusli Ismail
Professor of Faculty of Medicine
Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UnisZA), Malaysia

Important Dates:

Expert Lecture: “How to Write Scientific Article?”
July, 31st 2017
(13.00-16.00) at PC101 Building C RIK UI Depok

Intensive Scientific Writing Coaching Clinic:
August, 1st – 4th 2017
(08.00-16.00) at PA209 Building A RIK UI Depok
[Submit your scientific article before: July, 30th 2017 16.00]

Faculty of Pharmacy Universitas Indonesia will facilitate:
1. English editing for scientific article; and
2. Review by coach (expert).

Article criteria:
1. The article should state Faculty of Pharmacy as affiliate; and
2. The article has been intended for publication on International Journal indexed by Scopus via ICAPPS conference or others.
3. Article format should be in the style required to journal you intended to submit (Journal of Young Pharmacist or Pharmacognosy Journal or others).

The participant should submit full article to be coached to: risetpengmas@farmasi.ui.ac.id before July 30th 2017 16.00 with email subject: Author’s name_Article title

Bring your own laptop!
CP: Neneng (089698769731) / Indra (085714753395)

Akreditasi Program Studi S3