Fakultas Farmasi

Profil Alumni

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Dra. apt. Yulia Trisna, M.Pharm, FISQua Organisasi Internasional & nasional – Vice President FIP Hospital Pharmacy Section, South East Asia Region; Ketua Bidang Diklat HISFARSI PP IAI Yulia Trisna is a hospital pharmacist at RS Cipto Mangunkusumo, a national referral hospital, Indonesia, and Vice President of International Federation of Pharmacist (FIP) Hospital Pharmacy Section, South East Asia Region and Head of Education and Research of HISFARSI PP Indonesian Pharmacist Association (IAI)
Apt. Sherly Meilianti, S.Farm, M.Pharm Organisasi Internasional – President The International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) Young Pharmacists Group Sherly Meilianti is an active young pharmacist who currently trusted internationally as President of The International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) Young Pharmacists Group (YPG)
Dra. apt. Kustantinah, M.App.Sc Pemerintah & Industri – Mantan Kepala BPOM, Komisaris PT Tempo Scan Pacific; Adviser/technical consultant to the
Head of NADFC, Indonesia
Kustantinah is a governmental pharmacist who was a former head of BPOM/NADFC, Republic of Indonesia, and currently serving as the commisaris of PT Tempo Scan Pacific Tbk.
Dr. apt. Dra. Agusdini Banun Saptaningsih., MARS Pemerintah – Direktur Produksi dan Distribusi Kefarmasian, Kementerian Kesehatan Dr. apt. Dra. Agusdini Banun Saptaningsih., MARS is a pharmacist who currently works as the director of pharmaceutical production and distribution. Previously, she worked as the secretary of Directorate General of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices and an associate pharmacist at Dharmais Cancer Hospital Jakarta.
apt. Indri Mulyani Bunyamin, S. Farm Organisasi Nasional – Ketua Hisfarkesmas Ikatan Apoteker Indonesia (IAI) Indri Mulyani Bunyamin is a pharmacist who serves as the head of the support services section at the RSUD Kebayoran Lama Hospital, Jakarta. She is also active as chairman of the Association of Public Health Pharmacy Seminates (HISFARKESMAS) of the Indonesian Pharmacist Association (IAI). In 2017 she was selected as a model health worker at the national level.
Drs. apt. Chairul Anwar Pemerintah – Anggota Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat RI periode 2019-2024 Drs. Chairul Anwar, Apt. is one of two members of the Parliament (DPR), Republic of Indonesia for the 2019-2024 period who has a professional background as a pharmacist. The man who was born in Pekanbaru on October 13, 1963 has been a member of the FPKS DPR RI from the Electoral District (Dapil) Riau I since 2004.
His love for the pharmacist profession has been built since studying phamracy at the Bachelor (Graduated in 1989) and the Pharmacist Profession (Graduated in 1991) Program at the Department of Pharmacy, Universitas Indonesia. Later he was appointed as Deputy Chairperson of the Central Board of the Indonesian Pharmacists Association (IAI) for the 2018-2022 Period. In addition, Chairul was also elected as the General Chair of the Universitas Indonesia Alumni Association (ILUNI), Faculty of Pharmacy for the 2017-2021 period. During his tenure as a Member of the Indonesian Parliament since 2004, Chairul Anwar was assigned to Commission IX, Commission V, Commission II, Commission VI, the Legislation Body and the Budget Agency.
Drs. apt. Longki Djanggola Pemerintah – Gubernur Sulawesi Tengah Drs. H. Longki Djanggola, M.Si. is a pharmacist and politician currently working as the governor of Central Sulawesi since June 17, 2011. He started his career as a civil servant and was once the regent of Parigi Moutong from 2002 until 2011.
Prof. Dr. Dra. apt. Yahdiana Harahap, M.Si Pendidikan & Organisasi Internasional – Dekan Fakultas Farmasi Militer Universitas Pertahanan, President of AFPS 2019-2021 Yahdiana Harahap is the chairman of board of Professor Faculty of Pharmacy Universitas Indonesia, dean of military Faculty of Pharmacy Unversitas Pertahanan, and President of AFPS (Asian Federation of Pharmaceutical Sciences) 2019-2021
Prof. Dr. apt. Eddy Yusuf Pendidikan – Dekan Farmasi Management and Science University, Malaysia Prof. Dr. apt. Eddy Yusuf is the vice president, global affairs director, International Centre for Halal Studies (ICHLAS) Management & Science University, Malaysia. He was previously served as the president of AFPS in year 2011-2012 and the chairman of AFPS Conference Year 2011 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Currently he serves as a Vice President of AFPS.
Dra. apt. Rita Endang., M.Kes Pemerintah – Deputi Bidang Pengawasan Pangan Olahan – BPOM RI Dra. Rita Endang., Apt., M.Kes is a Pharmacist who occupied as Deputy of Processed Food Control at BPOM RI since October 2nd 2020 and also recently she’s occupied as Acting Deputy of Drugs, Narcotics, Psychotropics, Precursors and Addictive Substances Control. One of her achievements is carrying out the “SMART BPOM” application for improving drug and food control effectiveness.
Lucky S Slamet Pemerintah & Organisasi Internasional – mantan Kepala BPOM/NADFC 2012-2013; Adviser/technical consultant to the
Head of NADFC, Indonesia; Member of the WHO Expert Committee on Biological Standardization
Lucky S Slamet is a governmental pharmacist who was a former head of BPOM/NADFC, Republic of Indonesia in 2012-2013, and currently serving as advise/technical consultant to the head of NADFC, Indonesia and member of the WHO Expert Committee on Biological Standardization
Dra. Reri Indriani, Apt., M.Si. Pemerintah – Deputi Bidang Pengawasan Obat Tradisional, Suplemen Kesehatan dan Kosmetik – Badan POM RI Reri Indriani is a Pharmacist who occupied as Deputy of Traditional Medicines, Health Supplement, and Cosmetic Control at BPOM RI since October 2nd 2020. She has successfully lead BPOM to achieve ISO 27001 Information Security Management System Certification.
Ika Yuwiani Puspa Organisasi Internasional – human resource director for Indonesian Student Association (PPI) Ika Yuwiani Puspasari is the director of the Directorate of Human Resource Development of the Indonesian Student Association in 2020-2021, which was when the directorate was founded in the association.
Prof Lukman Hakim Kelembagaan – former chairman of The Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) 2010 Prof. Lukman Hakim received his doctoral degree in general system studies at the International and Interdisciplinary Studies Department of the University of Tokyo, Japan in 1994. Previously, he earned his master’s degree in policy science at Saitama University, Japan in 1986. Before that, he got his bachelor’s degree in pharmacy at the Faculty of Pharmacy of Universitas Indonesia in 1979. He is the eighth chairperson of the Indonesian Institute of Sciences who was appointed on June 14, 2010 by the Indonesian Minister of Research and Technology Suharna Surapranata.
Kardinal Ferry Industri – director of Kimia Farma Dawa’a Saudi Arabia Kardinal Ferry is a pharmacist who graduated from Universitas Indonesia. He currently works as the chief executive officer of PT. Kimia Farma Dawaa, Mecca Makkah, Saudi Arabia, appointed in July 2020.
Drs. apt. Fajar Gustaf Suwandi, MM Industri – Direktur Kimia Farma Dana Pensiun / Pharmasolindo Fajar Gustaf Suwandi is a Pharmacist who occupied as President Director PT. Dapen Kimia Farma and President Commisioner PT. Pharmasolindo, since November 2020. He is a person who mastered the field of sales and marketing both in pharmaceutical retail & distribution, and strong in Human Capital Management (because he had served as Vice President Human Capital at PT. Kimia Farma Tbk.). Expert at things of negotiation, business planning, strategic planning, sales & marketing strategy, and have expertise in conducting of training and coaching. One of the results of his work is forming Kimia Farma Corporate University (KF-CorpU) which later developed into a pharmaceutical Holding Pharmacy Academy.
Sie Djohan Industri – Director of PT Kalbe Farma Sie Djohan received his bachelor’s degree in pharmacy from Universitas Indonesia in 1990. He started his career at Kalbe Group as a group marketing manager at PT. Dankos Farma in 1996-2001. During 2001-2006, he was an assistant director of marketing at PT. Dankos Farma. Currently, he is the director of PT Kalbe Farma Tbk., as per the consensus of the stakeholders on June 5, 2017.
Budhy Herwindo Industri – Plant Director of PT Taisho Pharmaceutical Indonesia Budhy Herwindo is an alumni of UI Pharmacy class of 1998. He is a Pharmaceutical business leader and practitioner with a progressive operations experience in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Organization including Bristol-Myers Squibb as Value Stream Manager, Glaxo Smith Kline as Head of Operations, Ethica-Fresenius Kabi as Plant Director, Taisho Pharmaceutical Indonesia as Plant Director.
Dr. Mahdi Jufri, M.Si., Apt. Dean Faculty of Pharmacy Universitas Indonesia received his doctoral degree in pharmaceutical technology from the Faculty of Pharmacy of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia in 2011. Prior to that, he took a master’s degree in pharmaceutical sciences at the Department of Pharmacy of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of Universitas Indonesia and graduated in 2003. In addition, he obtained a bachelor’s degree in pharmacy from Universitas Indonesia in 1985. Since 2012, he has been working as a research manager. In 2013, he became the chairperson of the 2nd International Pharmaceutical Conference Cosmetic dan Nutraceutical Sciences (IPNACS). On December 20, 2013, he was appointed as the first definitive dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy of Universitas Indonesia until December 2017. Additionally, he has been active in the Indonesian Association of Pharmaceutical Higher Education as the chief coordinator of Region 2.