Fakultas Farmasi


Doctoral Study Program


Teaching Curriculum


Academic Calendar


Admission of New Students


List of Doctoral Study Supervisors


  1. Beban studi Program Studi Doktor Ilmu Farmasi adalah 42 sks.
  2. Program Doktor dijadwalkan untuk 6 (enam) semester dan dapat ditempuh sekurang-kurangnya dalam 4 (empat) semester, atau selama-lamanya 10 (sepuluh) semester.
  3. Kurikulum Program Studi Doktor Ilmu Farmasi dirancang untuk mencapai Capaian Pembelajaran Lulusan (CPL).
  4. Kurikulum Progam Studi Doktor Ilmu Farmasi dilaksanakan berbasis kompetensi dan riset.
  5. Program Doktor Jalur Kuliah dan Riset mewajibkan mahasiswa untuk:
  • Taking a number of structured courses listed in the curriculum (14 credits);
  • Take a research proposal exam (4 credits);
  • Taking the research results exam (8 credits);
  • Presentation of scientific papers related to the research field as the main author who can be accompanied by the Promoter and Co-Promoter at international conferences and has been accepted for publication at least in conference proceedings with an ISBN (2 credits);
  • Publication of 1 (one) scientific paper related to the research field as the main author accompanied by the Promoter and Co-Promoter and has been accepted for publication in a reputable indexed international journal (6 credits);
  • Submit proof of fulfillment of the requirements as referred to in letters d and e which are prerequisites for the promotion exam;
  • Submit 1 (one) dissertation work and take part in the Promotion Session as the final stage of the Doctoral Program (8 credits).

6. The Research Path Doctoral Program requires students to:

  • Participate in regular seminars on literature reviews, especially reputable scientific journals related to the main research (6 credits);
  • Take a research proposal exam (5 credits);
  • Taking the research results exam (8 credits);
  • Presentation of scientific papers related to the research field as the main author at an international conference and has been accepted for publication in at least conference proceedings with an ISBN (4 credits);
  • Publication of 1 (one) scientific paper related to the research field as the main author accompanied by the Promoter and Co-Promoter and has been accepted for publication in a reputable indexed international journal (6 credits);
  • Publication of 1 (one) scientific paper related to the research field as the main author accompanied by the Promoter and Co-Promoter and has been accepted for publication in at least a national journal indexed by SINTA 2 (5 credits);
  • Submit evidence of fulfillment of the requirements as referred to in letters d, e, and f which are prerequisites for the promotion exam;
  • Submit 1 (one) dissertation work and take part in the Promotion Session as the final stage of the Doctoral Program (8 credits).
Module handbook of each course can be accessed via this link: Link Module for Pharmaceutical Science Doctoral Program


1. The study load for the Doctoral Program in Pharmaceutical Sciences is 42 credits.
2. The Doctoral Program is scheduled for 6 (six) semesters and can be completed in a minimum of 4 (four) semesters, or a maximum of 10 (ten) semesters.
3. The curriculum of the Doctoral Program in Pharmaceutical Sciences is designed to achieve Graduate Learning Outcomes (CPL).
4. The curriculum of the Doctoral Program in Pharmaceutical Sciences is implemented based on competency and research.
5. The Doctoral Program for Study and Research requires students to:

  • Taking a number of structured courses listed in the curriculum (14 credits);
  • Take a research proposal exam (4 credits);
  • Taking the research results exam (8 credits);
  • Presentation of scientific papers related to the research field as the main author who can be accompanied by the Promoter and Co-Promoter at international conferences and has been accepted for publication at least in conference proceedings with an ISBN (2 credits);
  • Publication of 1 (one) scientific paper related to the research field as the main author accompanied by the Promoter and Co-Promoter and has been accepted for publication in a reputable indexed international journal (6 credits);
  • Submit proof of fulfillment of the requirements as referred to in letters d and e which are prerequisites for the promotion exam;
  • Submit 1 (one) dissertation work and take part in the Promotion Session as the final stage of the Doctoral Program (8 credits).
Struktur Mata Kuliah

A. Jalur Kuliah dan Riset

Semester 1
Semester 2
PMDF900117Metodologi Penelitian Lanjut3PMDF900118Analisis Data dan Statistik Lanjut2
PMDF900027Topik Khusus 13PMDF900029Topik Khusus 33
PMDF900028Topik Khusus 23PMDF900030Proposal Riset4
Semester 3
Semester 4
PMDF900031Publikasi – Konferensi Internasional2PMDF900032Publikasi Artikel6
Semester 5
Semester 6
PMDF900033Ujian Hasil Riset8PMDF900026Disertasi8

B. Jalur Riset

Semester 1
Semester 2
PMDF900119Seminar Berkala Kelompok Ilmu6PMDF900030Proposal Riset5
Semester 3
Semester 4
PMDF900120Publikasi 1 – Konferensi Internasional4PMDF900121Publikasi 26
Semester 5
Semester 6
PMDF900122Publikasi 35PMDF900033Ujian Hasil Riset8