Visi, Misi dan Tujuan (Apt)

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Visi, Misi dan Tujuan (Apt)


Visi Program Studi

Mewujudkan Program Studi Profesi Apoteker FFUI yang unggul dan mampu menyelesaikan masalah dan tantangan bidang kesehatan, khususnya kefarmasian, pada tingkat nasional maupun global

Misi Program Studi

  1. Organizing quality education and teaching in the field of the Pharmacist profession;
  2. Carrying out research and community service activities in the field of pharmacy/pharmacist profession, which are of high quality and relevant to national and global challenges;
  3. Creating pharmacist professional graduates who have high intellectuality, noble character, and are able to compete globally; And
  4. Creating an academic climate that is able to support the realization of the PSPA FFUI vision

Study Program Objectives

  1. Producing graduates (Pharmacists) who have high integrity, master pharmaceutical science and technology and are able to apply them in pharmaceutical practice/work skillfully, creatively, innovatively and professionally, supported by communication and managerial skills, and have national and global competitiveness;
  2. Producing quality scientific work in the pharmaceutical field that is useful for improving the quality of people's lives;
  3. Producing quality community service work in the pharmaceutical sector that is beneficial for improving the quality of people's lives.


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