Fakultas Farmasi

Kurikulum Mata Kuliah Melalui Kuliah dan Riset (S3)


1. The study load for the Doctoral Program in Pharmaceutical Sciences is 42 credits.

2. The Doctoral Program is scheduled for 6 (six) semesters and can be completed in a minimum of 4 (four) semesters, or a maximum of 10 (ten) semesters.

3. The curriculum of the Doctoral Program in Pharmaceutical Sciences is designed to achieve Graduate Learning Outcomes (CPL).

4. The curriculum of the Doctoral Program in Pharmaceutical Sciences is implemented based on competency and research.

5. The Doctoral Program for Study and Research requires students to:

a. Mengikuti sejumlah mata kuliah terstruktur yang tertera dalam kurikulum (14 sks);

b. Mengikuti ujian proposal riset (4 sks);

c. Mengikuti ujian hasil riset (8 sks);

d. Penyajian makalah ilmiah terkait bidang risetnya sebagai penulis utama yang dapat didampingi Promotor dan Kopromotor pada konferensi internasional dan telah diterima untuk dipublikasikan paling sedikit dalam prosiding konferensi ber-ISBN (2 sks);

e. Publikasi 1 (satu) makalah ilmiah terkait bidang risetnya sebagai penulis utama yang didampingi oleh Promotor dan Kopromotor dan telah diterima untuk dipublikasikan dalam jurnal internasional terindeks bereputasi (6 sks);

f. Menyerahkan bukti pemenuhan persyaratan sebagaimana dimaksud pada huruf d dan e yang merupakan prasyarat untuk ujian promosi;

g. Menyerahkan 1 (satu) karya Disertasi dan mengikuti Sidang Promosi sebagai tahap akhir Program Doktor (8 sks).

6. The Research Path Doctoral Program requires students to:

a. Mengikuti seminar berkala mengenai kajian literatur khususnya jurnal ilmiah bereputasi terkait riset utamanya (6 sks);

b. Mengikuti ujian proposal riset (5 sks);

c. Mengikuti ujian hasil riset (8 sks);

d. Penyajian makalah ilmiah terkait bidang risetnya sebagai penulis utama pada konferensi internasional dan telah diterima untuk dipublikasikan paling sedikit dalam prosiding konferensi ber-ISBN (4 sks);

e. Publikasi 1 (satu) makalah ilmiah terkait bidang risetnya sebagai penulis utama yang didampingi oleh Promotor dan Kopromotor dan telah diterima untuk dipublikasikan dalam jurnal internasional terindeks bereputasi (6 sks);

f. Publikasi 1 (satu) makalah ilmiah terkait bidang risetnya sebagai penulis utama yang didampingi oleh Promotor dan Kopromotor dan telah diterima untuk dipublikasikan paling sedikit dalam jurnal nasional terindeks SINTA 2 (5 sks);

g. Menyerahkan bukti-bukti pemenuhan persyaratan sebagaimana dimaksud pada huruf d, e, dan f yang merupakan prasyarat untuk ujian promosi;

h. Menyerahkan 1 (satu) karya Disertasi dan mengikuti Sidang Promosi sebagai tahap akhir Program Doktor (8 sks).


1. The study load for the Doctoral Program of Pharmaceutical Science is 42 credits.

2. The Doctoral Program of Pharmaceutical Science is scheduled for 6 (six) semesters and can be completed in at least 4 (four) semesters, or a maximum of 10 (ten) semesters.

3. The curriculum of the Doctoral Program of Pharmaceutical Science is designed to achieve Graduate Learning Outcomes (CPL).

4. The curriculum for the Doctoral Program of Pharmaceutical Science is carried out based on competence and research.

5. The Doctoral Program by Lecture and Research requires students to:

a. Enroll in a number of structured courses listed in the curriculum (14 credits);

b. Carry out a research proposal exam (4 credits);

c. Carry out a research results exam (8 credits);

d. Present a scientific paper related to his research field as the main author at international conferences and has been accepted for publication at least in conference proceedings with an ISBN (2 credits);

e. Publish 1 (one) scientific paper related to his research field as the main author accompanied by the Supervisor and Co-Supervisor and has been accepted for publication in a reputable indexed international journal (6 credits);

f. Submit evidence of fulfillment of the requirements referred to d and e which are prerequisites for the promotion exam;

g. Submit 1 (one) dissertation and carry out Defence Exam as the final stage of the Doctoral Program (8 credits).

6. The Research Doctoral Program requires students to:

a. Participate in periodic seminars on literature review, using reputable scientific journals related to their main research (6 credits);

b. Carry out a research proposal exam (5 credits);

c. Carry out a research results exam (8 credits);

d. Presenta a scientific paper related to his research field as the main author at international conferences and has been accepted for publication at least in conference proceedings with an ISBN (4 credits);

e. Publish 1 (one) scientific paper related to his research field as the main author accompanied by the Supervisor and Co-Supervisor and has been accepted for publication in a reputable indexed international journal (6 credits);

f. Publish 1 (one) scientific paper related to his research field as the main author accompanied by the Supervisor and Co-Supervisor and has been accepted for publication in at least 2 SINTA indexed national journals (5 credits);

g. Submit proof of fulfillment of the requirements referred to d, e, and f which are prerequisites for the promotion exam;

h. Carry out Defence Exam as the final stage of the Doctoral Program (8 credits).

Kurikulum Mata Kuliah Melalui Kuliah dan Riset (S3) Tahun 2017


Kurikulum Mata Kuliah Melalui Kuliah dan Riset (S3) Tahun 2018
