Fakultas Farmasi

SDGs 15: Life on Land

Tujuan nomor 15 dari 17 tujuan SDGs adalah melindungi, merestorasi dan meningkatkan pemanfaatan berkelanjutan ekosistem daratan. Selain itu mengelola hutan secara lestari, menghentikan penggurunan, memulihkan degradasi lahan, serta menghentikan kehilangan keanekaragaman hayati.

Goal number 15 of the 17 SDGs is to protect, restore and increase the sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems. Apart from that, managing forests sustainably, stopping desertification, reversing land degradation, and stopping biodiversity loss.


1. Support or organise events aimed to promote conservation and sustainable utilisation of the land, including forests and wild land

2. Offer educational programme/outreach for local or national communities on sustainable management of land for agriculture and tourism

3. Have a policy on reducing plastic waste on campus


Have a policy on reducing plastic waste on campus: https://farmasi.ui.ac.id/2019/03/kebijakan-ff-ui-mendukung-kelestarian-alam-dengan-pengurangan-penggunaan-kertas-dan-plastik/

Have a policy, process or practice on waste disposal covering hazardous materials: https://farmasi.ui.ac.id/2019/08/kebijakan-pengelolaan-limbah-penelitian-di-lingkungan-fakultas-farmasi-ui/