SDGs 1: No Poverty

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SDGs 1: No Poverty

Tujuan nomor satu dari 17 tujuan SDGs adalah mengakhiri kemiskinan dalam segala bentuk di mana pun. Tujuan ini menjadi tema pembangunan, agenda utama, dan berkelanjutan yang melatari berbagai tujuan pembangunan lainnya seperti infrastruktur, pariwisata, pangan dan energi dan lain-lain.

Goal number one of the 17 SDGs is to end poverty in all its forms everywhere. This goal is a development theme, main agenda, and sustainable which underlies various other development goals such as infrastructure, tourism, food and energy and others.


1. Targets to admit students who fall into the bottom 20% of household income group (or a more tightly defined target) in the country.

2. Pharmacy Care 2022 by BEM FF UI : Providing education and assistance to remote villages in the fields of health and education, as well as facilitating the social engagement of Pharmacy students from the University of Indonesia (FF UI). Download


Provide assistance in the local community supporting the start-up of financially and socially sustainable businesses through relevant education or resources


Provide financial assistance to the local community supporting the start-up of financially and socially sustainable businesses.


Tim Pengmas Farmasi UI Berdayakan Penduduk Desa Sukajaya untuk Membuat Produk Olahan Bermutu Tinggi dari Hasil Alam

Pengmas Farmasi UI Ajarkan Cara Mengolah Tanaman Herbal hingga menjadi Produk untuk Meningkatkan Nilai Jual

Organise training or programmes to improve access to basic services for all.

Participate in policy making at local, regional, national and/or global level to implement programmes and policies to end poverty in all its dimensions.

Cegah Gizi Buruk Balita Dengan Pengenalan Makanan Dan Minuman Sehat, Farmasi UI Beri Bantuan Ke Warga Badui, Banten

Peduli Gizi Balita Badui, Farmasi UI Berikan Susu Tinggi Protein dan Multivitamin Anak sebagai Upaya Cegah Stunting

Peduli Stunting, Universitas Indonesia Memberikan Edukasi Asupan Makro dan Mikronutrien untuk Ibu Hamil di Badui

FFUI Berikan Buku Panduan Pengenalam Tuberkulosis kepada Tenaga Kesehatan di Badui