Fakultas Farmasi

History, Vision and Mission


Pharmacy is the science and art of making drugs from natural and synthetic materials that are suitable and convenient for distribution and use in the prevention and treatment of disease. This profession has knowledge of identification, selection, preservation, combination, pharmacological action, analysis and standardization of drugs and medicinal materials, as well as proper and safe distribution, storage and use. In other words, those who work in the pharmaceutical field are drug experts who master the science and knowledge of drugs in depth from all aspects.

Pharmacy UI was established and began accepting the first batch of students in September 1965. The department, which was originally located on Jl. Diponegoro, Central Jakarta, was incorporated into a faculty that was originally named the Fakultas Ilmu Pasti dan Ilmu Alam (FIPIA) which then based on Presidential Decree No. 44 of 1982 changed to the Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (FMIPA). From 1971 to 1977, the Department of Pharmacy was located behind the Faculty of Economics at Jl. Salemba Raya No. 4, Central Jakarta, and from 1977 to 1987 it occupied the building behind the UI Rectorate building at Jl. Salemba Raya No. 4, Central Jakarta. In 1987, the Department of Pharmacy occupied building D FMIPA UI together with the Department of Mathematics at the New Campus of the Universitas Indonesia, Depok. Since 2000, in addition to occupying building D, the administrative activities of the Department of Pharmacy are centered in Building C FMIPA UI.

At the time of the move to Depok (1987), the Department of Pharmacy only managed the Bachelor's Program (S1) and Pharmacist Program with approximately 200 students and 30 lecturers.

With the issuance of Government Regulation No. 152 of 2000, 2001 was the beginning of a new era for Universitas Indonesia as a State-Owned Legal Entity (BHMN). With this new status, substantially all Study Programs within the Universitas Indonesia underwent fundamental changes, becoming research-based universities, managed more independently and professionally. Based on the Decree of the Board of Trustees (MWA) of the Universitas Indonesia No. 01/SK/MWA-UI/2003, dated January 18, 2003, concerning ART-UI, the Department of Pharmacy FMIPA UI has been renamed to the Department of Pharmacy FMIPA UI.

Furthermore, in order to support the establishment of an integrated Health Sciences Group within the Universitas Indonesia, based on the Decree of the Rector of the Universitas Indonesia No. 2408A/SK/R/2011, dated November 29, 2011, concerning the Opening of the Faculty of Pharmacy of Universitas Indonesia, the Department of Pharmacy FMIPA UI changed to the Faculty of Pharmacy of Universitas Indonesia (FF UI).

Currently, the Faculty of Pharmacy of Universitas Indonesia manages 5 study programs with the following specializations:

  1. Bachelor of Pharmacy Education Program,
    • Regular Bachelor of Pharmacy Program
    • Non-regular/Parallel Bachelor of Pharmacy Education Program
  1. Professional Pharmacist Education Program,
  2. Master of Pharmaceutical Sciences Education Program,
    • Master of Pharmacy Education Program specializing in Pharmaceutical Biology
    • Master of Pharmacy Education Program specializing in Clinical Pharmacy
    • Master of Pharmacy Education Program specializing in Pharmaceutical Chemistry
    • Master of Pharmacy Education Program specializing in Pharmaceutical Technology
    • Master of Pharmacy Education Program specializing in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
    • Master of Pharmacy Education Program specializing in Pharmacology and Toxicology
  1. Master of Herbal Science Education Program,
    • Master of Herbal Science Education Program specializing in Medical Herbs
    • Master of Herbal Science Education Program specializing in Herbal Aesthetics
  1. Doctor of Pharmacy Education Program

Menjadi pusat ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi di bidang
Farmasi yang unggul, berdaya saing global dan berkontribusi mencerdaskan kehidupan
bangsa untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat Indonesia dan dunia.

  1. Mengoptimalkan akses yang luas dan adil, serta pendidikan dan
    pengajaran yang berkualitas di bidang farmasi;
  2. Menyelenggarakan kegiatan Tridharma yang bermutu di bidang farmasi
    dan relevan dengan tantangan global;
  3. Menciptakan lulusan di bidang farmasi yang berintelektualitas tinggi,
    berbudi pekerti luhur, dan mampu bersaing secara global; dan
  4. Menciptakan iklim akademik yang mampu mendukung pewujudan visi Fakultas
    Farmasi UI.
  1. Menciptakan komunitas pendidikan farmasi yang inklusif, berdasar pada adab, kepercayaan, integritas, saling menghargai dan kebhinekaan dalam lingkungan yang aman dan bersahabat;
  2. Prepare students to become intelligent and conscientious graduates through the provision of pharmacy education programs so that they can apply, develop, enrich, and advance science and technology in the field of pharmacy;
  3. Mengembangkan dan menyebarluaskan ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, dan kebudayaan serta mengupayakan penerapannya untuk meningkatkan martabat dan kehidupan masyarakat, dan memperkaya kebudayaan nasional;
  4. Mendorong dan menguatkan pengembangan ilmu yang telah ada, maupun ilmu dan kajian baru dalam bidang farmasi baik monodisiplin, multidisiplin, interdisiplin, dan transdisiplin demi menjawab tantangan persoalan kehidupan yang makin kompleks;
  5. Mendorong dan mendukung peran serta aktif sivitas akademika Fakultas Farmasi dalam pembangunan dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang demokratis, sejahtera, dan beradab sebagai kekuatan moral yang mandiri;
  6. Strengthen its role as a pharmacy higher education provider, and collaborate with related institutions and professional associations, so that graduates can gain expertise at a professional level;
  7. Meningkatkan pelayanan kefarmasian yang inovatif kepada bangsa, negara, dan dunia melalui kolaborasi, kemitraan, dan kesempatan untuk pengayaan budaya dan pendidikan berkelanjutan; serta
  8. Berinvestasi pada pengembangan profesional warga Fakultas Farmasi UI dan juga pada teknologi yang bermanfaat, dalam rangka mencapai keunggulan kompetitif melalui pengajaran, riset, dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat.