The Doctoral Study Program in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Indonesia (PSS3 Pharmaceutical Sciences, FFUI) has been held since 2010, based on UI Chancellor's Decree No. 0072/SK/R/UI/2010 dated 2 February 2010. The Pharmaceutical Science Doctoral Study Program provides 5 areas of specialization for students, namely:
- Peminatan Teknologi Farmasi
- Peminatan Kimia Farmasi
- Peminatan Biologi Farmasi
- Peminatan Farmakologi dan Toksikologi
- Peminatan Farmasi Klinik.
The Doctoral Program at the UI Faculty of Pharmacy can be followed in 2 ways, namely: through lectures and research and through research (for those who meet the study by research requirements). The current curriculum is the 2020 curriculum which is implemented based on Rector's regulation No. 8 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of Doctoral Programs at UI. The course is designed so that students can start research in the second semester, so that publication as a graduation requirement can be achieved.
The Doctoral Program of Pharmaceutical Science, Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Indonesia (UI), has been established since 2010, based on UI Rector’s Decree No. 0072/SK/R/UI/2010. The Doctoral Program of Pharmaceutical Science has five major research field: 1. Pharmaceutical Technology
- Pharmaceutical Technology
- Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- Pharmaceutical Biology (Natural Products and Biotechnology)
- Pharmacology and Toxicology
- Clinical Pharmacy
There are two enrolment types: (1) course and research (2) full research. The current curriculum is 2020 curriculum which is implemented based on Rector’s Decree No 8 Tahun 2021 tentang Penyelenggaraan Program Doktor. The course is designed so that students can start research in the second semester. This strategy will facilitate the students to fulfill the publication requirements.
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